DNS-321 as Time Capsule for Mountain Lion There are several places on the web to find tutorials on setting up a DNS-323 for Time Machine (for example: http://dns323.kood.org), but I couldn’t find sites that..
Redirect Old Webpages in Apache with mod_rewrite Sooner or later, you’re probably going to point an old webpage to a new one. If you’ve spent a bunch of time with search engine optimization (SEO),..
Create a Golden Image of Ubuntu Server in vSphere If you’re virtualizing server workloads, do yourself a favor and create a golden image. Go ahead, be as meticulous as you want, because you’ll only have to..
Setup WordPress on Ubuntu Here are the steps I use when setting up WordPress on new Ubuntu server. Log into the console and grab a root shell Note: I don’t like..
Make Visual Studio work with VMWare Fusion Shares VMWare Fusion allows Mac users to run virtualized operating systems. The “Shared Folder” feature allows for sharing profile folders on the Mac (Desktop, Documents, Music, Pictures) with..